Monday, June 18, 2012

Worst Blogger Ever...

That should be my new title. Or Never Caught Writing. The title use to be accurate, I promise. Now, not so much. I haven't posted in over a year. There is no way anyone would want to follow what I've got to say and yet here I am trying to do it again. I have a summer of nothing to do so I thought I'd try to be a little more constructive with my time. So here I am, starting my blog again. Poor blog, it must think me such a tease.

 My Goal for the rest of the summer: post once a day. 400 words or more.

I heard that's what Terry Pratchett use to do when he was writing part-time (you're going to hear way more about him later!) Now these might be crap posts but I'll be posting. Maybe it'll get-I'm going to stop right there. Every time I hint to it helping with my actual writing it never does. So this time, I'm blogging just for the fun of it. That means you readers get to read about the crazy things that pop into my head. Trust me they can be pretty crazy.

As a show of good faith, I'm going to start a post right now. Something crazy I did the other day. But before I get into the story I have to tell you about an awesome site full of magical—nerdy might be a better description—T-shirts. This site is called It is amazing and gets a lot of my money. Seriously, a lot. I was doing good until they started sending me emails. It’s like they just knew I was a susceptible nerd. Anyway, these shirts are awesome! Designers from all around the world send in shirt designs and the good people at Shirt.Woot. decide which ones to sell. They cause $12 the day they are shown and then they are $15 after that. The Reckoning, where all shirt designs go after their first week, is used to weed out less popular shirts. Every weekend, designs chosen by customers are sold. Sometimes it’s fun just checking out the designs, but I warn you that can be a perilous path to an empty wallet.

Now for the story. I’m an avid Shirt.Woot buyer and wearer of said bought apparel. I’ve actually turned a few of my friends into wearers of Shirt.Woot shirts. Anyway, a year or so ago I met someone at my school that was also a huge fan of Shirt.Woot. We often complimented each other on our respective shirts. As such, he henceforth became known as Shirt.Woot. Guy. (I have since learned his name but Shirt.Woot Guy is more fun for the purposes of this story.) Anyway, it’d had been a while since I had last seen Shirt.Woot Guy and this last week I had the opportunity to hang out with a friend from school. Well, as we were driving by the school I saw this guy on bike stopped at the light. I was fairly certain it was Shirt.Woot Guy so I rolled down the car window and was about to yell “Hey Shirt.Woot Guy” but just as the “hey” was coming out of my mouth the guy turned around. It was NOT Shirt.Woot Guy. My call quickly turned into “that’s not Shirt.Woot Guy” as I rolled up the window. My friend who caught my mistake had a good laugh. It would have been funnier if I’d actually yelled at the guy but the almost blunder was still pretty funny.

There, you have a blog post from me. Blog Post #1. Hopefully of a summer of several blog posts. I wonder what tomorrow’s post will be about… Guess you guys will just have to come back and see!

Happy Readings,

P.S. 654 words = Boo-yah!

1 comment:

  1. You goober! Sounds like something I would do!! Can't wait to see what you post about this summer........ ;-)
