I kind of lost my mojo toward the end of that last post. I
guess you shouldn’t start a post in one sitting and finish it in another. Poor
Terry Pratchett. I hope that you still got how awesome he is from my post. I
might have to dedicate another post to one of his books or something in the
future. Anyway, part of the lost mojo stemmed from sheer exhaustion. Tuesday I
had the opportunity to visit Chimney Rock State Park in North Carolina.
Needless to say, my day involved a lot of hiking, but mostly sheer terror. If you haven’t been to Chimney Rock before
let me fill you in on something: Chimney Rock looks like the mountain has a
chimney, i.e. it is high above the already high mountain. In fact, in order to
get to Chimney Rock, you have to cross this:

And that’s only a
portion of the steps we had to ascend before we got to the last nightmare. I
guess I should clarify something if you hadn’t already figured out from my word
choice. I am deathly afraid of heights. Extremely terrified. Here’s a scenario
for you, it’s pretty funny for the non-me audience. On my eighth grade trip, my
class went to New York City and Washington D.C. In New York City, we made a
trip to the Empire State Building. Now I wasn’t a huge fan of this but I was
okay with staying inside the building on the Observation level. Unfortunately,
one of the parents chaperoning decided that I HAD to go outside the doors. They
proceeded to drag me, kicking and screaming, outside the safety of the doors. That
high up, the wind blows pretty hard which is horrifying, at least to me. Anyway,
I’m pretty sure my nail-less fingers left marks in the concrete walls. And there
were tears. It didn’t help that my best friend thought commenting about whether
the building was swaying. -_- Not cool. Thankfully, my teacher came and
saved me. But yeah, that’s how horrifying I find high places.
So why, you may ask, did I think it would be a good idea to
go to Chimney Rock in the first place? Well, that’s an interesting story. I
honestly had no idea what to expect when my mom suggested we go to Chimney
Rock. When talking about it, comparisons with Rock City were brought up. I am
perfectly fine with Rock City. I love the rock fixtures and anything height related
my feet are on solid ground. I don’t have to cross the swinging bridge if I don’t
want to and more importantly I don’t have to climb an excess number of stairs.
Stairs are scary for someone like me. Not only am I terrified of heights but I’m
clumsy. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve fallen down stairs, I’d be pretty
rich. Therefore, stairs + heights = Chimney Rock is horrifying. There was
definitely some cries of child abuse thrown around and of course these two got
a good laugh at my expense.
It was a lot of fun despite my fears. I made it most of the
way to the top, but that last set of stairs defeated me. According to my sister,
I wouldn’t have made it once I got to the top of those stairs anyway. Short
fences were the only thing that separated you from a long fall and there were a
lot of rock crevices for clumsy me to trip over. While I let it defeat me, I’m
glad that I’m not still stuck up there now because there was no way I was going
to make it back down those last set of stairs. And besides I got some local
honey and apple cider for my troubles which makes me one happy camper.
Well that's it for this time! Until next time, happy readings!
P.S. 667 words! I'm on a roll!
Funny story! I got the worst spanking of my life on Chimney Rock, when your grandfather caught me leaning over the little fences at the top to see what was at the bottom, and Bill almost got stuck in the Needle's Eye because he had Nancy in a baby carrier on his back! Now your story will be just one more facet of the Chimney Rock allure....