Bah...whatever! Now on to more interesting things! First of all, I forgot to tell you from where those quotes came. Drumroll please! .... or not. It would be more exciting with a drumroll though...
1. Bored! - "Sherlock" (You had to see this coming!)
2. That man is so full of himself it's a wonder he can stay up on that horse. - "Emma" (I'd watched it recently.)
3. By thunder! - Treasure Planet (I was inspired by reading Stevenson's novel.)
4. She killed them with mathematics. - "Firefly" (I love this show! The quote also feeds my mathy nature.)
5. I...I don't see how that's a party. - The Avengers (It just came to me.)
Fortunately... I mean, unfortunately, no one was able to guess ALL of my quotes. Let me tell you, my cheater of a little sister definitely gave it a good shot. Thankfully though, she didn't guess them all. As such, I don't have to do anything crazy! Yay! ...maybe I should clarify. I don't have to admit to anything crazy on my blog if I don't want to do so! :) Then again, I am always admitting crazy stuff on here. Oh well, I guess I really am my own worse enemy. :\
Oh and all the postscripts were a reference to Gandalf's letter to Frodo at the Prancing Pony in The Fellowship of the Ring. I always thought that was cool and wanted to do it too one day. Now I have! My life is complete! :) I would post a picture of it, but I don't have a copy of The Fellowship of the Ring with me. They're all packed at the moment. :(
All right. Now it's time for the good stuff: the actual body of the post. Today's topic is Pinterest! I am so addicted! What is so great about it is that they have a section called "Everything: Geek" and it's like heaven! Okay okay, let me explain what Pinterest is exactly for those of you that have no idea. It's basically a cork board for your web-surfing. If you find something you want to remember, you can "pin" it to one of your boards on Pinterest and it keeps it there and even provides a image. I guess you could say it's very similar to bookmarking websites-actually, it's exactly like bookmarking websites-but you can browse through things that others "pin."
For instance, the "Everything: Geek" page. I have found so many awesome nerdy ideas. They also have a lot of jokes about popular nerdy shows. I've also developed a desire to watch Doctor Who because of Pinterest's Geek page. Yeah, so if I can convince my sister, you may not hear from me for a month if I let myself fall into that trap...
As of right now, I have 15 boards. Yeah, I definitely have one dedicated to each of my favorite nerdy things: Tolkien, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Sherlock, Neil Gaiman, etc. I also have a board that I think perfectly describes me. I'll post some of the memes I pinned on that board below. None of these belong to me despite their perfect description of me.
These are just a few of the ones that I think best describe me. In total, I have 57 pins. It's kind of funny because Pinterest keeps telling me I should write a description about myself. I keep thinking: "You should just look at my 'The Perfect Description of Me' board. That about sums me up."
Here are some memes I found that make me laugh. Hee hee... I love geeky humor.
It's similar to the Incredible Hulk except the internet turns me into some super nerdy individual every time I express myself instead of a green angry creature by getting angry.You know... I'm not sure why I included the muscles in my picture...O_o
Once a nerd always a nerd as the saying goes. I can't believe I'm only just now catching onto my habits. Tsk tsk...
Happy readings!
PS Only the last image is mine! Don't you love my artwork? :) The memes I found on Pinterest and the rest of the pictures I got from Google Images.
hey i got 4 out of 5. that should count for something. and i love the pocture. only my sister would draw a stick figure of herself doing the vulcan sign.